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应对新的要求,” 这位销售总监还强调说,“通过 The model T 60 80 DT TT60 HR100 C has
这根附加的主轴,该制造商可以大批量制造铝合 X-, Y- and Z-axes of 19,000mm, 9,000mm and
金环,以提高生产率。” 3,000mm, respectively, and to date it is the biggest
此外,当机床在原有的一个附件头更换系统 portal-type machine made in the Droop+Rein T
和十二个附件头之外突然增加一个或多个附件头 line.
时,对生产率又会有什么影响呢?会导致非生产 With rigid construction and based on
时间增加吗?斯达拉格在开发这套生产系统时就 hydrostatic operating concepts, the machine is
考虑到了这种情况。据 Heiko Quack 说,该加 perfectly suited to high-precision/tight tolerance
工中心配有一个电子系统来管理所有附件头,例 machining of extremely large workpieces with
如,可以弹出 XY 角度铣头,将其换成叉式铣头。 complex geometries and, according to Starrag, it
所以,Metalex 可以平时储备 30 个附件头,并 efficiently produces precise workpieces in various
始终为加工提供所需的附件头。并且,这种投入 materials using five axes.
正在得到回报,因为俄亥俄州的工厂正在讨论是 The machine has a Z-axis slide feed milling
否需要增加 13 号和 14 号附件头。 unit with integrated C-axis and a wide range of
milling heads. It includes two rotary tables and
turning toolholders (from the Dörries range).
机械手换刀系统已经以闪电般的速度推出 : Metalex is a specialist in machining extremely
大型制造商常常需要更大的空间,不仅用来放置 large components in aluminium, stainless steel
各种刀具,还需要放置各种不同的刀具系统。目 and titanium, for example, and the capacity of
前,Metalex 的这套生产系统可以使用与 CAT the new machine means that even very large
60、CAT 50、Capto-C8、HSK 100 或 HSK workpieces can be machined in a single setting.
63 刀柄适配的刀具,需要时,它可为各刀具提
5-axis machining is enabled by two
continuous universal fork-type milling heads with
这种级别的项目代表了这家公司有史以来 up to 2,400Nm of milling torque. The machine can
最大的一项投资。Metalex 为这个先进的大型制 also be used with motorised milling spindles at
造中心修建了最先进的厂房,其地基重达 7,000 high speeds, which can be changed automatically.
吨,提供了良好的减震效果。因此,会有人提 And, for even more flexible, universal work, there
出疑问 : 这项投资花费了几百万美元,如此巨大 is a 5,500mm continuous mobile crossbar as the
的投资回报如何?当该机床在美国投入使用时, sixth axis (W).
Heiko Quack 听到了这样的回复 : “我们已经看
The two tables of 6,000mm by 8,000mm
到,新型机床得到了很好的利用。” Metalex 的
allow one to be used for set-up or inspection
首席执行官 Kevin Kummerle 有着相似的看法,
outside the work area while the other is being
used for machining. Extra-long workpieces can
be machined in a coupled tandem formation –
【英文如下】 which extends the tables to 18,000mm. Each table
The long-term partnership between US also has an integrated rotary table of 6,000mm
manufacturer Metalex Manufacturing Inc of diameter which, thanks to the 111kW main drive,
Ohio and the Starrag Group has resulted in the also enables rotary machining of components
installation of the company’s fourth Starrag weighing up to 200 tons. The rotary tables can also
machine, a large-capacity Droop+Rein T six-axis be used as a C-axis for precision positioning when
portal-type machining centre. milling and drilling.
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